June 6, 2005
Zip+4 Code:  20549-0305

Via Fax & U.S. Mail

Mr. Todd M. Hornbeck
President and Chief Executive Officer
103 Northpark Boulevard, Suite 300
Covington, Louisiana 70433

RE:	Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc. (the "Company")
	Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2004
	File No. 333-69826

Dear Mr. Hornbeck:

Based upon an examination restricted solely to considerations of
Financial Statements, Management`s Discussion and Analysis, and
Selected Financial Data, the staff has the following comments on
above-referenced documents.  Where indicated, we think you should
revise all future filings in response to these comments.  If you
disagree, we will consider our explanation as to why our comment
inapplicable or a revision is unnecessary.  Please be as detailed
necessary in your explanation.  In some of our comments, we may
you to provide us with supplemental information so we may better
understand your disclosure.  After reviewing this information, we
or may not raise additional comments.

Please understand that the purpose of our review process is to
you in your compliance with the applicable disclosure requirements
to enhance the overall disclosure in your filing.  We look forward
working with you in these respects.  We welcome any questions you
have about our comments or on any other aspect of our review.
free to call us at the telephone numbers listed at the end of this

Item 6 - Selected Financial Data

Reconciliation of EBITDA to Net Income - page 28 and Form 8-K,
February 28, 2005

1. We note your response to our prior comment #1.  You have not
substantively justified the use of EBITDA.  Your statement that
provides information regarding your ability to service debt is not
relevant to its presentation as a performance measure.
with competitors is lessened in your case, due to differences in
acquisition methods and drydocking accounting methods, as you have
stated in your proposed disclosure.  Further, while EBITDA may be
widely used by analysts as a measure of operating performance,
footnote 44 of FR-65 states this cannot be the sole support for
presenting a non-GAAP financial measure.  In addition, Item
10(e)(1)(ii)(A) clearly defines EBITDA as being earnings before
interest, not earnings before interest expense, as you have
Your presentation of EBITDA does not meet the conditions of use
specified in FR-65 and the Staff`s Frequently Asked Questions
Regarding the Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures.  Therefore,
revise your future filings to eliminate presentation of EBITDA.

* * * * *

Please respond to confirm that such comments will be complied
or, if certain of the comments are deemed inappropriate by the
Company, advise the staff of the reason thereof.

Pursuant to Rule 101(a)(3) of Regulation S-T, your response should
submitted in electronic form, under the label "corresp" with a
copy to
the staff.  After our review of your supplemental replies, we may
further comments.  Please respond within fifteen (15) business

As appropriate, please amend your filing and respond to these
within 10 business days or tell us when you will provide us with a
response.  You may wish to provide us with marked copies of the
amendment to expedite our review.  Please furnish a cover letter
your amendment that keys your responses to our comments and
any requested supplemental information.  Detailed cover letters
greatly facilitate our review.  Please understand that we may have
additional comments after reviewing your amendment and responses
our comments.

You may contact Rob Perdue at (202) 551-3303 or Lyn Shenk, at
551-3380 if you have questions regarding comments on the financial
statements and related matters.  Please contact the undersigned at
(202) 551-3816 with any other questions.


								Joseph A. Foti
								Senior Assistant Chief

Via facsimile:  Mr. James O. Harp, Jr. , CFO
		(985) 727-2006




Mr. Todd M. Hornbeck
Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc.
June 6, 2005
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